Monday, December 22, 2008

It's a boy????

I went today to have my sonogram and do some tests for down's syndrome and spina bifida. The tests looked fine...but the ultrasound technician was able to give me his 'educated guess' as to the sex of the baby. He said that in a girl, the genital region is usually angled at 30 degrees. Well...the baby's area was angled at 90 degrees!!! I would say that is a boy...or we will have some great stories for a little girl! Of course...Travis had to work and Jana was with me at the appointment, so she got to hear the news first! I did call Travis as soon as I left the appointment though :).

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Week 12

I went for my second appointment on December 18th. I did have to wait about 2 hours to see my doctor today, but I was able to see my friend Liz (who had twins in November) and my friend Lisa (who is due 6 weeks before me) in the waiting room. Everything was fine at the appointment. The heartbeat was now 159...and I had gained 3 more pounds. The doctor did give me the option for going in to have a sonogram and some blood tests the next week to check and make sure the baby was developing correctly. I jumped on it, partly because I am such a worry wart, but mostly so I could have another sonogram!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 8

On November 18 I went to my first OBGYN appointment. I was pretty excited to see the little 'sea monkey', as Travis and I were affectionately referring to the baby. I was a little nervous because I am SUCH a huge worry wart...and I had a fear of finding out I wasn't actually pregnant or had lost the baby, etc. Turns out there was NOTHING to worry about! I had my ultrasound and sonogram (not telling Travis how they would actually perform those when you are 8 weeks...). My EDD is June 28 and the baby's heart rate was 180. Now if I can just make it till June without alcohol...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm Pregnant!!!

So, Travis and I decided we were going to 'try' to get pregnant in September...making the baby due in the summer, and in true fashion of my life...fitting in with my perfect plan. In early-October I had some mild bleeding and thought that it hadn't happened, and continued on with my life. On October 21st I was feeling a little 'different'. I was peeing ALL the time, was more hungry than usual, and was EXHAUSTED. So...that night after my 'Tuesday Night Date Night' with Casey, I took a pregnancy test. I don't think I had even finished peeing when it said pregnant!! begins the story!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Layla!

As I write this, it is about 2 hours from my best friend's daughter's birthday. I cannot believe that I am old enough to have friends with families...much less someone I have known for 20 years!!! Happy birthday Layla, and congratulations Melissa!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Getting Started

So, I thought I would give this blogging thing a go. I have enjoyed reading my friends' posts that already have kids, so I thought I would go ahead and get started before kids, and then I can chronicle the journey when kids come along. I will try to update and add pictures frequently, so those of us in many different cities can stay in touch!